Teaching ABRSM Piano Graded Examination Pieces 2023 – 2024
An exquisitely detailed, explained, analysed, pedagogically guided and comprehensive course for teachers to ensure smooth teachings.
Dr. Jessenzzth Chua (Malaysia)
Ph.D, M.A (music pedagogy & performance). LTCL, 20 years of teaching
Teacher Alice is a superb and energetic teacher. Her Zoominar presentation is always well organised and very detailed. She covers every aspect of piano teaching which includes musical analysis, performance technique, interpretation, teaching tips, trouble shooting and even story-telling about the composers. Her inspirational teaching is simply amazing!
Ms Khong May Leen (Malaysia)
Principal of Encore Music Centre. A very experienced piano teacher- trainer of many years. Some of the teachers subscribing to Teacher Alice’s webinars are her former students.
The workshops conducted by Teacher Alice are very helpful and beneficial. I have been following Alice’s workshops since 2021. It has helped me in improving my teaching skills, especially regarding the composers’ background and history.
I highly recommend her workshops and all her Gym Books series.👍👍👏👏
Ms Daphne Chua (Malaysia)
Piano teacher for 40 years. Was with Yamaha Music School for 26 years teaching the Junior courses, piano and Electone. Was also the piano examiner with the Yamaha Examination Board. Currently teaching in own home studio.
I am full of admiration towards Ms Alice Yap who is very knowledgeable and able to present all the music topics distinctively and explicitly well. I am very sure that her publications – Piano Gym for Smart Fingers, Finger Gym series, Music Theory Gym Book series, etc. will be of great help to all music teachers. Her piano exam pieces 2023/2024 too were presented with such impeccable details. I would like to recommend this zoominar module as a very good reference material. Myriad of thanks to Ms Alice Yap.
Ng Yunny (Singapore - LRSM LTCL ATCL CT ABRSM)
45 years of teaching experience (private & music schools).
Alice Yap 是一位非常熱心於音樂教育的音樂教育家。我看過過她很多的 presentations, 有給幼兒的 也有關於樂理的。這一次參加 ABRSM 2023-2024 考試曲這個課程更讓我耳目一新:Alice 對每一首 曲子的準備功夫充足;由作曲家的背景到和旋的分析到曲子的演繹 Alice 都非常專業的去解釋。雖 然,我從事鋼琴教導這份職業已經接近 40 年,但是我仍然可以在 Alice 的課學到很多新的東西!所 以說,學無止境!尤其是教導了很多年的老師,更必須持續的學習才可以維持教學的熱誠。謝謝 你 Alice!
Alice 老师讲课的特色就是声音够宏亮,常笑脸迎人, powerpoint 彩色多端非常吸睛,内容生趣。 她每次开讲都用作曲家背景作为介绍曲子的开端,然后就用她的擅长曲调分析和我们讲解曲子里 头的 chords, 听众们一定要捉紧笔,因为老师讲课速度很快,稍不留神,就溜了。还好我们有 recorded videos 可以在两年内无时无刻重播温故知新。
这是我第一次参加 Alice 老师的英皇钢琴曲讲堂。之前听过千篇一律大师的教琴法,我看到了Alice 老师与众不同独特的一点,就是她有很强大的歌曲 key analysis 干货分享。她会把每首歌的 keys & chords 毫无余地赤裸裸地剖解给我们认识。无疑这也同时在考验我们钢琴老师对乐理的认 知,复习我们的乐理应用技巧。依 Alice 老师的教学说法,用乐理理论可以说服学生勇敢接受挑战 高难度曲子,尤其是那些有很多升降号的曲子。只要首先让学生认同一首歌曲的来龙去脉,背景, key chords analysis 是不难解读的,到时老师要教就轻而易举啦!
Ms Agnes Chi (Singapore - LTCL, DipAB Teaching, AMusTCL)
15 years of teaching experience
Thanks to Teacher Alice for the training. It is so resourceful n great help in the analysis, teaching techniques also the background of the composers. To me this is the bible. Anytime when I’m not sure of anything about the pieces, I would have something to fall back on to refer. I sincerely appreciate her efforts. I know is not easy to do this. Thanks again to Teacher Alice & your team 👍🏻👏🏻
Ms Josephine Hoong (Singapore)
25 years of teaching experience
Alice 老师知识渊博,博学多才,不只在音乐上有非凡的成就,在其它领域方面都无所不谈。 能够与名师学习,肯定能提升自己,造福人群。
Mr Yong Cheong Lye (Australia)
Principal of Rondo Music School, Adelaide. (MMus, GradDipMus, BSc, LTCL, ATCL, DipABRSM)
“I felt great to sign up this course. I never thought that I could learned so much from Ms Alice Yap. Thank you so much for putting so much effort into this, and to share the knowledge confidently. Keep up the good work.”
Mr Lau Chee-Kong (Malaysia)
(LTCL) 2 years of teaching experience
This is my 2nd time subscribing to Teacher Alice’s ZOOMINARS. I still remember when I first saw her shared scores, I was so excited to see such detailed analysis!
Besides , the stories and backgrounds of composers help spark my learning interests greatly. Her Zoominars are such a holistic learning journey that shuttles me through history, analysis, technique while equipping me with supportive exercises! I‘ll be able to teach with great joy & full of confidence!! The bonus comes after our weekly webinar training sessions – that my learning continues… I’ve such a chance to know her being a super busy lady, but never have I ever heard a word of complain from her because she does everything with passion ❤ – her family, her career, her garden, her cooking & I think her friends as well…
Pengetahuan tentang komponis, dan apresiasi musik dari aspek harmoni, melodi dan ritmis untuk setiap repertoire adalah hal yang wajib dipelajari setiap pianis. Dengan menyadari keindahan nilai dari suatu lagu dan memahami aspek musikal ini, diharapkan pianis semakin termotivasi untuk melatih dan memainkan dengan gaya dan interpretasi yang tepat.
Premium Gr 1-8 berusaha memilah dan menyajikan kekayaan nilai musikal dari setiap repertoire sampai ke detailnya. Sebagai seorang pendidik yang mau memberi yang terbaik, pembelajaran lagu menjadi lebih komplit jika diikutsertakan dgn buku 10 mins a day karena di dalamnya terdapat latihan mengasah teknik jari, kepekaan harmoni, ketrampilan improvisasi , sight reading dan ritme. Piano lesson tidak lagi terasa membosankan dan monoton.
Ms Saniwati Kurniawan (Indonesia)
over 20 years of teaching experience (private & music schools)
I have attended Ms Alice Yap’s earlier seminar on ABRSM Grade 6-8 syllabus 2021-2022 and now continuing into the Grade 6-8 syllabus 2023-2024.
Teacher Alice’s teaching greatly inspires me and stretches my brain to myriad ways in problem solving. During her webinars, she lays down all relevant materials into an integrated whole. Being armed with such resourceful teaching array, even a young and inexperienced teacher could help raise any ordinary student to a skilful & artistic level.